Sunday, 23 April 2017

Lets get organised!

Since I became a mum of 3, 16 months ago, my life has become chaotic and unorganised. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't change my little family for all the neat filing systems and empty washing baskets in the world but I do always wish my life was a bit more organised. Purely for the fact that if everything was planned in advance and in order, then I would have more time to spend doing the things that my children and I love to do. Somehow though, every time I try to get order in my life I always end up back where I started. I have enlisted the help of some fellow bloggers to make myself ( and you!) a list of tips to keep on top!

  • So, firstly, from Jen over at Just Average Jen "Write coffee at the top of your to do list and then it is easy to do at least one thing."
  • Rebecca, over at The everyday mummy says "get things prepped the night before"
  • Mummy Gummie Blog's Lisa says "write a list with only three things a day, that way it isn't daunting and you get the satisfaction from having a completed list"
  • Birthdays and parties are always sorted last minute in my house. When I say last minute, I usually mean a mad dash to the supermarket half hour before the party starts! Hannah from The Amphletts buys cards in bulk, including a variety of aged and plain ones so that she never gets caught at last minute like I always do!
  • When working or getting important stuff done, Louise over at A strong coffee to go says " don't have Facebook or twitter on! So easy to get distracted!"
  • Lastly, Hollie from thrifty mum says "Before bed, visualise the next day and write a list, get out anything you can prepare in advance and then get a good nights sleep. You'll feel mentally and physically rested that way and therefore more able to take on the day."

With all of this in mind I have made packed lunches and laid out uniforms and bags and coats for tomorrow morning. Here's to an organised week!

Mrs Hx

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