Wednesday, 28 December 2016

A Letter to my Children

Tyler, Sophie and Jaxon,

Words can never express the way that Mama loves you. Both individually and as a whole. All 3. You make me the lady that I am today. Through laughter and crazyness to upset and stress. Every single part of you all, and every single moment of the day I Love you.

Tyler, my first born, my introduction to another world that is Motherhood. You sweet sensitive loving soul. One day you will make a wonderful husband (if I approve that is) and a wonderful Father, please god. You have all the gifts that a boy should have, from jumping up and down being a ninja to calmly drawing and reading in the incredibly artistic way that you do.

Sophie, my angel, my only princess. You amaze me. You're enthusiastic about every thing that you do and I love that you are such a "busy little woman". The way you copy your big brother and kickbox with daddy or spend hours bouncing a football in the hallway. To the way you dress up, do my hair and make up and play princesses. What a beautiful mix you are.

Jaxon, my baby boy. Littlest man of the lot. You complete us. Only 5 months old and already see some of your older siblings fabulous characteristics in you. Such a happy boy. Everytime you smile you melt Mama's heart even more so than before. I cannot wait to watch you grow and see you learn.

You are my inspiration, my babies, and nothing will ever come close. I love you all with all that I am and all I will ever be.

To the moon and the stars.

Your Mama.

Controlled Crying - Does it work?

I've seen a few vloggers on YouTube approach the subject of "controlled crying" and give their thoughts and opinions on it. Right or wrong? So I thought I'd give my view.
Controlled crying is basically a method of "sleep training" whereby you leave your child to cry for 5 minutes at a time, and then you go in and settle them down again. If they are still crying you leave them a little longer each time. This supposedly works a treat. I however tried it but just couldn't deal with it. I'm a big believer on comforting children as much as they need. In saying that my first born I made a rod for my own back, by rocking him to sleep!! Eventually I tried the controlled crying but couldn't handle listening to my baby crying (as I would be crying too, and it was too much upset just to get him to go to sleep on his own)  so we ended up teaching him to self settle with soft music playing and that really worked for us. I have had 2 babies since and have never tried controlled crying again!!

Money saving tips

As the New Year approaches, many people will be making their resolutions, and for some this is to save money. For me too! Here are some ways ive found to save those pennies.
  1. Meal Plan - Before you do the food shop, make a list of what you already have in the fridge/freezer and then meal plan accordingly. Believe me this really cuts down on the grocery bill!
  2. Make a list when food shopping and stick to it, don't buy any unnecessary items!
  3. Sell any unused items of clothes or dvds and old toys etc and pop the earnings in your savings account.
  4. Always pay yourself first - any money that you can put in to savings, do it first (after bills of course) rather than last, that way you wont miss it.

I also plan on doing this savings scheme this year for Christmas 2017.

Picture from

Slimming world beginner

So I am biting the bullet and starting at my local Slimming World this coming Monday. I'm excited and very nervous about getting on those scales. I have sat and watched YouTube vloggers talking about their own Slimming world journeys and I really feel that I can do it. I've tried different diets in the past and always end up giving up, but this time something has switched on in my brain and I am determined! I hate pictures being taken of me and I'm missing photographic memories being made with me and my children because of it.  Before I had my first child I was a size 10-12 and now 3 children and a lot of comfort food later I sit at a size 18 and am disgusted with myself. Now is the time to really take charge of my own body and mind and change the way I look and feel about myself. Also I want to be fit and healthy for my children.

I will take all the advice and help I can get so please come with me on my journey to self happiness.

Mrs H x

New Years Resolutions

When it comes to New Years Resolutions, I usually don't  have any. This coming year is different. I have a few! I want to lose weight, 3/4 dress sizes to be exact and be happy in my own skin. I have already signed myself up at my local slimming world and start next Monday! I never thought I would say I'm looking forward to starting a diet, but I've seen a few people transform their bodies with slimming world and I'm eager to do the same. Also I want to really try and save some pennies and have been trawling the net for different ways of doing so. I feel like both of these resolutions go hand in hand with being more organised. They just wont work if I don't organise my time properly so that is my third and final resolution.
  1. Slimming World.
  2. Save Money.
  3. Be more organised.
I would love to know some of your resolutions, or if you don't make them, why not? Please follow me on my journey.

Here's to 2017!