- Quarantine! This is a big thing for me. If one of my family members start throwing up, the first thing I do is confine them to one room. (Usually their bedroom)
- Clean like mad! Each time said family member is sick put bleach down the loo, dis infect the toilet seat, flush handle and things like the light switch and door handle. Dont forget the sink and the taps.
- Wash your hands at every opportunity. Mostly these bugs get transferred from hand to mouth so wash with hot water and soap and then use anti bac gel afterwards.
- Do NOT share towels.
- As soon as symptoms subside wash all bedding on a hot wash.
- Dettol Spray! This is a must for me. Once I have cleaned everything, I spray the dettol disinfectant EVERYWHERE! Sofas, walls, bedframes the lot!
- Treatment - with a sickness bug the only thing I find that helps is not to eat and take SIPS of diarolyte. With children i syringe a few mls at a time every 10 mins or so. This is amazing stuff and really rehydrates the body. (I am not a doctor, please read all labels before using)
Sickness bugs are absolutely awful but unfortunately very common. Good hygiene is key but sometimes they are really powerful and with very young children its hard to confine it. I hope some of these tips have been useful to you.
Mrs H x