Friday, 5 May 2017

Birchbox Review April

This morning I received my first ever Birchbox through the post. It took a week to come from initial purchase so it was actually the April edition.
When the delivery lady handed the box over I was slightly surprised as I had expected it to be double the size, but hey what do I know, I am a Birchbox newbie!

From the postal packaging i thought it was a bit drab BUT when I opened it and realised it was a Boden edition I immeadiately changed my mind. I love Boden! Look how cute the box is!

I love the floral pattern and that fact that it is like a little drawer makes it feel that bit more special than just a box.

I was pleasantly surprised at the content as I was half expecting to get a load of products that I would never use, but actually it is all quite "neutral" in the fact that most people would use these kind of things. Handcream and conditioner for example. I did think though, that I would be receiving full size products and not minatures but I guess for 6 quid I cant grumble. (I was sent a money off voucher)
Here is a list of all the products that came inside the box.
There was also a £10 off Boden gift voucher inside which I cannot wait to use. Will no doubt be spent in the mini boden range!

Overall, I was pleasantly suprised with the products. I used the handcream and eyeliner straight away and will be using the conditioner and facial scrub this evening. (Its funny because I searched the whole of supeedrug for a facial scrub the other day amd couldnt find one!)
Im not sure yet if I will purchase the May edition Birchbox at full price but I do definiately feel a "subscription addiction" coming on!

Until the next one....

Mrs H x

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Back to School

So its back to school for my big kiddies, after the bank holiday weekend. Me and Jaxon have spent the morning walking through our local park and then had a cheeky stop off at Costa. Come on, he worked those little legs so much this morning it was worth a treat right??

On the way home we stopped at our local greengrocer and picked up all this yummy goodness.

Here's to a good week ahead!
Mrs H x

Monday, 1 May 2017

May Bank Holiday Weekend

I cannot believe it is the first of May already. We had a busy bank holiday weekend, full of family time. On Saturday I spent the morning cleaning (aren't I always?) and then went to my local pub which had a beer festival on and bouncy castle out for the kids.

That evening early on we went to what was my first ever "gender reveal" party, it was lovely and so cleverly done! We also went to a friends house for a takeaway and to watch the big boxing match.
Sunday bought the first fair of the year as we went to a local secondary schools Spring Fete. The kids had lots of fun on the games and stalls and I came back with a coat for Frank! (my dog, who hates the cold and rain)

On Bank Holiday Monday we took a trip to pets at home, and I bought 3 new fish for the kids fish tank. We were supposed to win some more from the fete the day before but it seems they have stopped that stall now, which is a shame as they have had that stall there since I was a child. Anyway the kids spoke to the worker at pets at home, who was very informative, and he told us what fish could and couldn't live together. We ended up with 2 goldfish, one yellow, one speckled and a weather loach, which looks like a cross between a catfish and an eel.

Rest of the day was spent playing minecraft, monopoly and making fairy gardens. It was lovely.

I hope you all had a fab long weekend!

Mrs H x

20 Facts about me Tag

I was tagged by Beth from a blonde and a baby to do the 20 facts about me tag, so here goes!

  1. I am 29 years old.
  2. I am 5 ft 6 and a half!
  3. I have size 7 feet. (i know!)
  4. I am a mother of 3.
  5. I support Chelsea.
  6. I am secretly a good singer but I get very stage fright.
  7. I am half Irish.
  8. I have a ridiculously sweet tooth.
  9. I went back to college last year to study teaching.
  10. I'm petrified of clowns.
  11. I sleep walk and talk.
  12. I believe in guardian angels.
  13. I used to be petrified of dogs until I got my own!
  14. Its a dream of mine to be able to take my children to different countries as they grow up.
  15. I am addicted to Tea and chocolate.
  16. I am a disney fanatic.
  17. I panic about every little thing. (i'm trying to stop this!)
  18. I take photo's everyday!
  19. I wear glasses to read and watch tv.
  20. I love Eastenders.

I tag Rachel at and Anna at 
Look forward to reading your 20 facts ladies.

Mrs Hx