Friday, 17 March 2017

Coffee Shop Mums

What is it about coffee shops and mums with babies and young children? You know the type, a new mum with her hair pinned back, jeans and converse on and a teeny tiny newborn sleeping in the pram next to her. Or the mums that meet up there and have toddlers or multiples in tow sharing croissants, ellas kitchen snacks and babychinos. Any coffee shop you go to you will find these Mums. I know, because I am one! A "coffee shop mum". Costa is my local haunt, but I'm not afraid to stray. From the moment I had my first son I became one of these women. I remember (8 years ago now) I would time his second feed with the time I would get to the local Starbucks. For one, I had found a new love for coffee, and lets be honest, every mum needs her caffeine fix, but for two, it made me feel slightly normal again. In the whirlwind that is early motherhood, a trip to the coffee shop in the morning really helps when you are on your own with no adult conversation for long periods of time! Its nice to get out of the house for a start, and honestly baby groups once or twice a week is more than enough! I could have shares in almond croissants and Costa coffee now and 3 kids down the line I am as much of a coffee shop mum as I was then!

Whos with me? Lets cheers our Lattes, and clink our mochas to the "coffee shop mums!" HAng in there ladies.

Mrs Hx

Monday, 13 March 2017

Making your own destiny

There comes a point in life when you realise that living life day by day gets you nowhere. It doesn't take you any place different than where you are at that very moment. I have lived my life day to day for a very long time, just seeing where life takes me. Guess what? I'm still here, in the same situation as I was then. Yes I have 3 beautiful children, and I am in no way talking about them, as I would never change them for all the riches in the world. But there comes a point in life when you want more. More for them, more for me, more for us. It is time for us to move on to the next chapter in our lives and I need to work out which route I am going to take. I want bigger for my children, biggest that I can possibly give them. I want to know how to drive and live in a bigger house and earn money and take them places and learn new things. Its time. I don't want to keep living my life day to day just seeing what happens anymore. I have plans and dreams and I'm going to make them happen.
Some people may read this post as negative but in actual fact it is nothing but positive. I have inspired myself, and it is a great feeling. No one is in charge of your life but you. You make your own destiny.

Mrs H

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Living Arrows.

Ok so I've been rubbish and missed the last 2 weeks worth of Living Arrows. Because of this I have decided not to number my posts anymore as it will get confusing. Life has been busy. Kids have had numerous birthday parties to attend and I have had a lot on with college and general mum life.

Last week Tyler had his school disco. I always get a bit emotional when he has a school disco as its a sure sign he's growing up. They have 1 disco per term and each time he goes he looks that little bit older. We were offered the chance to volunteer and I didn't as I was worried he wouldn't act like he usually would if I wasn't there. Sometimes he gets embarrassed about dancing and stuff. I wish I had though, maybe next time.

Here's my Jaxon looking super cute in his baseball cap. Little dude. We were off to see family over from America that day and he really took strange to them all, he cried the whole day for his daddy!!

Sophie has been poorly this week and has needed lots of mummy snuggles. She is back to school now though, little princess.

"You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth." Kahlil Gibran.

Living Arrows

Thursday, 2 March 2017

World Book Day Outfits

World Book Day has fast become my favourite day of the school year. Some people moan about it but I really like it. It's so lovely to see all the children in school dressed as different characters and people go to so much effort in our school, its fab! I have to admit, I am not very crafty at all so my children always have a shop bought outfit, but they always look great and go in to school excited.
Over the past 5 years of schooling we have had
  • Fireman Sam
  • Peter Pan
  • Horrid Henry
  • Harry Potter
  • Buzz Lightyear
  • Belle from Beauty and the Beast
  • Doc Mcstuffins
and this year we had...
Red, the pokemon trainer (and woody the photobomber of course)

and Princess Elsa of Arundel!

Do you enjoy World book day as much as me? What did your kids dress up as?

We're going to Disneyworld!!

It's every girls dream to go to Disneyworld Florida right? Its definitely mine! Not only is it my dream but it has also been my dream to take my children since I had my first son Tyler 8 years ago! I am very lucky in the fact that my parents are paying for us to go, so I just need to conjure up spending money. I am saving every penny that I can and selling lots on ebay, which is all going in to the "Disney Fund".
We aren't booking until April this year, which will give us a year in advance before we go. We haven't decided on exactly which route we want to go down yet with regards to hotels/villas etc. I am going to make some trips to the travel agents this week and get lots of brochures to look at for inspiration, and of course I will be trawling the net for ideas.
I plan to use this blog to document my ideas and shopping lists! There is so much I want to buy for the kids, Disney outfits, Disney backpacks and the Disney vans for us all! Top of the list though is passports! All of us need new ones so that's the first big expense. I have all the forms ready and waiting :)

Here is a throwback to Florida 1994, me on the left and my little sister on the right.